An interview with Re Wikstrom, by MFF's Ginger BoydOpening Excerpt: She was warm and friendly despite the early call time and lack of coffee. Re was quieter than some of the other voices present that day, but she radiated kindness and confidence in a way that made me feel instantly comfortable. I had to know more about her. Indeed, it was about 6:30 in the morning when I first met Ginger Boyd. We were all gearing up for a long day of shooting and I was focused on the task at hand. Little did I know she had a sixth sense, and she was paying attention to more than riding laps for the camera. It truly is incredible to find out that someone you met so briefly, could identify and appreciate -- no less share with the world -- all of the things you have been quietly and passionately focused on for well over a decade. I cannot offer enough thanks to Ginger and MFF for taking the time to share my story. Seriously. Ginger below:
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